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Archiv des Tags ‘Van Gogh’

No Blue Without Yellow – Per Animation in die Welt von van Goghs Gemälden eintauchen

7. September 2018

Maciek Janicki hat die Bilderwelt Vincent van Goghs auf großartige Weise in diese hübsche dreidimensionale Reise durch einige seiner Gemälde verwandelt.

I constructed No Blue Without Yellow using individual paintings from consequential times of Van Gogh’s life and sculpted them in three dimensional space. I sampled hundreds of the artist’s brush strokes to wrap my interpretive world within his paintings.

Die verwendeten Gemälde gibt es hier auf der Seite von Maciek Janicki zu sehen.

No Blue Without Yellow


via -::[robot:mafia]::-

Gif of a »Possible photo of Vincent van Gogh.«

28. Mai 2014

Wow! Wow, wow, wow!
Eine wirklich tolle van Gogh-Photo-Selbstporträt-Montage von Made By ABVH.

Photo was discovered in the early 1990s, experts disagree whether or not it is Vincent van Gogh.
Photographer Victor Morin
January 1886

GIF of a “Possible photo of Vincent van Gogh.”

GIF of a Possible photo of Vincent van Gogh. Made By ABVH

via ParisLemon

Loving Vincent – Bringing the paintings of Van Gogh to life

29. Januar 2014

Loving Vincent Link zur Kickstarterkampagne von BreakThru Films

via FilmSchoolRejects

Revealing The Truth (des Herrn Vincent van Gogh)

14. Januar 2013

Tadao Cern treibt ein bisschen Schabernack mit einem Bild von Herrn van Gogh.

Long long time ago a stranger asked me to make his portrait… So I did.
I sent him the image and I never heard back from him again since that moment.
Then I saw one painting and I felt that it was very familiar to me:
And then I got it – It was a copy of my photo!
I did a little research on that and it seems that the guy who draw (copied) it is quite well known around…
His name is Vincent van Gogh and I was lucky enough to make his portrait.
Pity that he never mentioned me and I can’t find his contact now…
This video is a comparison of both images.

Revealing The Truth

via The Presurfer