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Dilemn – Modern Slave (Clap-Clap)

18. April 2011

Timo Blanksma und Hugo de Kok haben sich sehr gekonnt von der Idee des Musikvideos Luv Deluxe der Cinnamon Chasers (zweites Video hier unten) inspirieren lassen und herausgekommen ist die aufregende Geschichte eines Mannes, der sich durch zweimaliges Händeklatschen jederzeit an einen anderen Ort und in eine andere Situation teleportieren lassen kann.

Dilemn – Modern Slave


The script of this videoclip started in the bus to school when Hugo listened to a song with a lot of claps in it. We decided to work further on the idea of picturing different situations with claps leading trough the story. But there are not that much songs with a lot of claps and nice to listen at the same time. After some real hard thinking we came with the idea that the clapping also could be visible, not hearable.

On the same day we searched for a other kind of music and we found the artist Dilemn. We didn’t knew him or his music at all, but this number really suited our idea. So we worked out some idea’s with Modern Slave on the background for inspiration. We came with the idea of a guy who accidentily claps twice in his hands in the moring. His hands are starting to glow a bit and he suddenly teleports to an other location. The rest of the story can be seen in the video of course.

Die ganze Background Story hier
Wer ist Dilemn.

Und das Vorbild Cinnamon Chasers – Luv Deluxe (Music Video)

