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Archiv der Kategorie ‘Pix‘

»The Egyptian God Anubis is dressed casually today«

12. November 2013

via stellar

Oh Mist!– Paukenfail Gif’d

3. Juli 2013

Das Video von dem unglücklichen Paukenspieler dazu gibt es hier: Timpanist Fail


Oh Mist! Schlagzeuger Fail

via reddit

»this blog is terrible quality« artsy-Klötzchen-Gif-tumblr

11. Juni 2013

Cat boarding

Hello. I am Don Rickles (at least as far as tumblr is concerned).

Today this blog got some attention from a few people I really love and a lot of people I don’t know. I can’t figure out how this ball got rolling but I’m appreciative (I had around 40 followers when I went to bed and have over 100 now, so my sense of self-worth is now over twice as big as it used to be) and I think that makes this as good a day as any to properly explain the garbage I produce.

The basic idea came out of a lot of the frustrations I had with how myself and tumblr make GIFs. I’m sure you’ve all seen GIFs that show an entire train derailment unfold and follow it up with the movie Jumanji in its entirety. To achieve this, it will look like shit. The inverse of this is a beautiful GIF that lasts about as long as it takes for a character to get out a single word or move their arm across the frame. The teenagers who make these GIFs are apparently incapable of just looking at still images.

Listen, I hear you. You’re telling me these are petty complaints. I know. They super are. Almost as petty as the entire internet gathering to debate how you pronounce GIF (Giraffics Interface Format). So, I decided I could add some art to the shitty GIFs by adding some shit to the arty GIFs. Terrible Quality takes images and scenes that are recognizable to fans of some larger work (generally film and television) and removes everything but the basic building blocks.

I promise I don’t take this blog as seriously as this post might seem. In the end these are just moving pictures that make me smile and remind me of 8-bit graphics. If they look interesting, stick around. If they don’t, stick around anyways. My ego can’t handle too many of you leaving at once.

Before I go, I’ll shamelessly say it again. You can also find me at I Am Don Rickles.

via Whatevs dot net

Endless Cat Boarding Gif’d

5. Juni 2013

Falls jemand das Video dazu braucht: hier.

Cat boarding

Cat boarding

via reddit

100 Films | 100 Behind the Scenes Photos (1931-2012)

22. Mai 2013

Gibt’s hier:
100 Films | 100 Behind the Scenes Photos (1931-2012)

(Mein Lieblingsbild ist das hier aus Goldeneye, 1995)

via Brainstorm9

Der schwebende Mormonentempel von Provo, Utah

18. Mai 2013

Brian Hansen schaut im Moment jeden Tag auf ein quasi in der Luft stehendes Gebäude.
Genauer gesagt auf die Fassade des abgebrannten Mormonentempels Provo Tabernacle, der gerade ziemlich aufwändig wieder aufgebaut wird und dem dafür einfach der Boden unter den Füßen weggegraben wurde. Die Fassade wiegt über 3.000 Tonnen.
Sieht richtig toll aus. Und könnte fast die Grundidee eines neuen Christo sein: Aufstelzen statt Verpacken. :-) Im Video gibt’s ein bisschen Baustellenerklärung.

Watching these guys work is better than having a fishbowl at my desk (Klick für gross)

Watching these guys work is better than having a fishbowl at my desk

Foto: Copyright Brian Hansen, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Engineering Feat Puts Future Provo Temple on ‚Stilts‘


via stellar

Jemand hat das Krümelmonster in Katsushika Hokusais »Die große Welle vor Kanagawa» gefunden

23. April 2013

Ich wage zu behaupten, dass das eine der brilliantesten Bildmanipulationen der Neuzeit ist.
Und eine der lustigsten. Danke, Reddit-User Put_It_All_On_Red und photosonny!

Kekse! Kekse! Mmmmh! Kekse!

Klick macht Krümelmonster riesig!

Das Krümelmonster in Katsushika Hokusais Die große Welle vor Kanagawa

Die große Welle vor Kanagawa von Katsushika Hokusai im Original

via stellar

James Bond Evolution

18. April 2013

6 verschiedene James Bonds in einem Gif.
Nur einer schiesst zweihändig.

Bond Evolution

James Bond Evolution

via reddit