Die Erde im Zeitraffer aus der Sicht des russischen Wettersatelliten Elektro-L 1, der Bilder mit einer Auflösung von 1 km pro Pixel im sichtbaren Bereich aufnehmen kann. Die Aufnahmen wurden vom 15. bis zum 19. Mai 2011 gemacht. So hübsch.
Planet Earth in 4K
»To answer frequently asked questions; why are city lights, the Sun, and other stars not visible? City lights are not visible because they are thousands of times less bright than the reflection of sunlight off the Earth. If the camera was sensitive enough to detect city lights, the Earth would be overexposed. The Sun is not visible due to mechanisms used to protect the camera CCD from direct exposure to sunlight. A circular mask on the CCD ensures that only the Earth is visible. This mask can be seen as pixelation on Earth’s horizon. The mask also excludes stars from view, although they would not be bright enough to be visible to this camera.«
via Sploid
Kurzlink: https://www.seitvertreib.de/?p=4657
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